ENGLISH II - UNIT 2 - Lesson 7

Grammar: USED TO

Exercise: Chose the correct option a, b or c


  • Grandma used delicious pies.

a. cooking
b. to cook
c. cook

  • There didn’t use so many cars 50 years ago.

a. to be
b. being
c. be

  • Simon and I used a lot when we were kids.

a. playing
b. play
c. to play

  • I used a flat with a friend from university.

a. share
b. to share
c. sharing

  • I used to school by bus.

a. to go
b. going
c. go

  • Dad didn’t use a mobile phone.

a. have
b. to have
c. having

  • Streets in the city be very dark.

a. used
b. used to
c. didn’t use

  • People think that the world was flat.

a. didn’t use
b. used
c. used to

  • They  to have a lot of money

a. used to
b. used
c. didn’t use

  • Children  to watch TV for so many hours.

a. didn’t use
b. used
c. used to

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