Reading Comprehension

Daniel: Welcome to our Financial Institution, Miss Carlson.

Beth: Thank you. It’s my pleasure.

Nahuel: Are you nervous?

Beth: Just a little bit.

Daniel: Don´t worry, in general it’s a very good project. I can see that this group made good use of the training program.

Beth: I’m glad to hear that.

Daniel: This project has many advantages:

First it’s well organized and clear. Second the employees are puntanos; which contributes to the growth of the provincial economy. Then the loan amount requested was well estimated. And last the restaurant has a strategic location.

Beth: Thank you. I appreciate your comments.

Nahuel: However there are certain disadvantages. First, you should define an atmosphere for the restaurant.

Beth: What do you mean?

Nahuel: Well, there is no mention of the restaurant style. Besides, what are you going to do during the low season?  

Daniel: These observations are based on a close review of your project made by this Institution, if they are followed we can guarantee the restaurant’s success.

True or False

Is Beth nervous?

Yes, she is.

Verdadero Falso

I can't see that this group made good use of the training program.

Verdadero Falso

Does the project have many advantages?

Yes, it does.

Verdadero Falso

Was the loan amount requested well estimated?

No, it wasn't. 

Verdadero Falso
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Contenidos, Medios y Tecnología Educativa