Multiple Choice - Selección Múltiple

Answer the following questions using the short answer:


Is Mary a doctor? Yes, she is.

Are you a teacher?


Yes, I am.

Yes, I'm.

Yes, I m.

Are Frank and Sally in the French Class?

No, they are.

Yes, they are.

Yes, they're.

Is Claire a nice person?

Yes, she is.

Yes, she's.

Yes, it is.

Guess the word - Adivina la palabra

Practice days of the week - months of the year - seasons

before = antes - after = después 


  1. The day before Monday:

  2. The month after April:

  3. The season after winter:

  4. The day before Tuesday: 

        5. The month before November: 

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Contenidos, Medios y Tecnología Educativa