Chris: Hello Nancy! Long time no see you, how are you?
Nancy: Hi Chris! I’m fine. It’s nice to see you.
Chris: Yes, it´s great! What sports do you like?
Nancy: I like swimming very much. I come here every day in the afternoon. Do you practice any sport during the day?
Chris: Yes. I practice basketball twice a week at 7 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Nancy: Tell me Chris... Do you work in the morning?
Chris: No, I don’t. I study in Plan 20/30 because I´d like to go to university.
Nancy: Oh, that’s great!
Chris: Thank you! Do you work?
Nancy: Yes, I work at the University of La Punta.
Chris: Really?
Nancy: Yes. I teach English and I love it.
Chris: Wonderful! Congratulations

What sports does Nancy like?
She likes running very much.
She likes swimming very much.
When does Chris play basketball?
He plays bastketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He plays bastkeball on Mondays and Thursdays.
Does Nancy work? and Where?
Yes, she does, She works at a factory.
Yes, she does. She works at University of La Punta.
Does Chris work in the morning?
No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.