Sam: That’s good, now we need to find out about social life at ULP. Life is not just about studying, you know!
Megan: Sam, you just want to party!
Sam: Not really, but I also want to have a good time.
Lauren: Well, don’t worry Sam; there is a lot to do at ULP.
Megan: Yes, we are very close to the astronomic park, you can practice sports or go trekking.
Sam: Great! I will live in San Luis, is there a buffet on campus?
Megan: Yes, you can have breakfast and lunch there.
Lauren: Megan and I will live in the ULP dorms, so we can have lunch together.
Sam: Cool! Is there a soccer field on campus?
Megan: Yes there is, and there is a gym too.
Sam: That sounds great! How do I get to the university?
Lauren: There is a bus every 30 minutes from San Luis and back to the city.
Megan: And you can take the bus when you need to get to La Punta city. There you have a supermarket, restaurants, a hospital, etc.
Sam: It’s good to know that! Well, I think I will start preparing my stuff to movein a month.
Lauren: Megan, let’s hurry, because we are moving in two weeks!!
Megan: Yeah, we will be there when you arrive, so we can help you.
Sam: Thanks girls! See you soon.
What do the following words mean? Check the dictionary and choose the correct option a, b or c:
- cerrar
- finalizar
- cerca
- cancha
- pradera
- campo
- material
- relleno
- cosas
What does the following expression mean? Look it up in the translator, and choose the most natural option a, b or c:
That sounds great!
- ¡Eso suena grandioso!
- ¡Suena bien!
- ¡Buenisimo!
Re-read the conversation and answer the following questions choosing the correct option. a or b
1. Where is the astronomic park?
It is near the ULP campus.
a. True
b. False
2. What can you do in your free time?
You can do fitness exercises, play football and go walking up the hills.
a. True
b. False
3. Where can they have lunch together?
They can have lunch together at the dorms.
a. True
b. False
4. How often do buses arrive at the ULP?
Buses get there every forty-five minutes.
a. True
b. False
5. When is Sam moving to La Punta?
He’s moving next month.
a. True
b. False