Estimados alumnos: en la UNIT 2 vamos a trabajar con los subtítulos de las conversaciones que están en los videos y en cada Lesson completarán diferentes ejercicios. Good luck!
Clerk: Hello!
Woman: Hello! Is that a yellow dress?
Clerk: No. It is orange. The yellow dress is on the table.
Woman: Are there brown shoes?
Clerk: Yes!
Woman: There is a green shirt but, is there a blue one?
Clerk: Oh... no, there isn´t.
Woman: Is there a red blouse?
Clerk: Yes, give me one second! Here it is!
Woman: Oh! It’s beautiful.
Woman: Are those high heels size 9?
Clerk: No, they aren’t. They are size 8.
Woman: Oh…is there a black jacket?
Clerk: No, there isn’t.
Woman: Small.
Clerk: Oh no! There isn’t.
Woman: Is that a white shirt?
Clerk: Yes! Give me a second.
Clerk: Here it is.
Woman: Very nice! I’ll take them. Thank you!
Clerk: Thank you!
Woman: Bye.
Clerk: Bye.

Where is the yellow dress?
Are the high hills size 8?
Is there a white shirt?
Is there a black jacket?