Lauren: Thanks a lot for your help.
Clerk: You are welcome. Anything else?
Sam: Well, I’m thinking about studying multimedia here…
Clerk: Sure, Christian over there studied multimedia two years ago and now he works here. He can show you the TV studio and tell you about the program.
Christian: Ok guys, this is the TV studio.
Sam: Nice! It’s great! You have hi-tech cameras, don’t you?
Christian: Yes, I’m the first camera operator.
Lauren: And, what is this green area?
Christian: It is a chroma.
Lauren: What is that?
Christian: It’s a special effects technique.
Sam: Yes, that’s how they make the conversations in Plan 20/30.
Lauren: How does it work?
Christian: The actors stand in front of a green background and the set designer, with pictures, makes the set look like a restaurant, a street, a bank.
Sam: And, who defines where and what to film?
Christian: Well, the director; he is in charge of the whole product.
Lauren: What about the audio?
Christian: There is a sound designer in the control room, and he is also responsible for the microphones. Do you like working with computers?
Sam: Yes, I do. Why?
Christian: Because programmers are in chargeof the post production; you have to work a lot with computers when you study multimedia.
Sam: Well this program combines two things I love: TV and computers, I’m definitely in!
What do the following words mean? Check the dictionary and choose the correct option a, b or c:
- Fondo
- Antecedentes
- Conocimiento
- Conjunto
- Establecer
- Escenografía
- Filmar
- Velo
- Capa
- Sonar
- Parecer
- Sonido
What does the following expression mean? Look it up in the translator, and choose the correct option:
Anything else?
- ¿Cualquier otra cosa?
- ¿Algo más?
- ¿Todo lo demás?
Re-read the conversation and answer the following questions choosing the correct option. Correct or Incorrect
What did Christian study?
- He studied Multimedia Production
- He studied Programming
- He studied Films and Video Post-Production
What kind of cameras do they have in the studio?
- They have regular cameras
- They have high definition cameras
- They have good quality cameras
What does Christian do?
- He is the director at the TV Studio
- He is the sound designer at the TV Studio
- He is the camera operator at the TV Studio.
What is the Chroma background?
- It is a picture of a restaurant.
- It is a green area behind actors.
- It is a picture of a green area.
What are programmers in charge of?
- They are in charge of the product
- They are in charge of the microphones
- They are in charge of the post-production