Fill in the blank - Completar el espacio en blanco

Complete with: There is - There are

two children on the street.

 a sofa in the living room.

one computer on the table.

twenty students in class.

a manager in the office.

Change to Negative Form - Cambiar a la forma negativa

Complete and change the sentences to the negative form: Complete y cambie la oración a la forma negativa.


There is a new student in class. There isn't a new student in class.

There are three people in the living room. There aren't three people in the living room. 


one picture on the counter. one picture on the counter.

three windows in the living room. three windows in the living room.

knives on the table. knives on the table.

a big bed in the bedroom. a big bed in the bedroom.

a white oven in the kitchen. a white oven in the kitchen.